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Does Filing a Personal Injury Suit Make Me "Bad"?

People who were raised to be "nice", courteous, and friendly sometimes have a lot of mental anguish about putting in a personal injury suit after a car crash or a work accident.

If you’re one of those nice people, there are some things you should consider.

Forgiveness is good and you can still forgive the other driver who caused the car accident. However, what you may not yet know is that there are millions of people who experience a personal injury who don’t fully recover. This happens for a variety of reasons, including not having enough of the right type of care for the personal injury, not having the right nutrition, having the wrong treatment, and others.

In an ideal world, you will totally recover from the injuries you have. And certainly, no one has a crystal ball to look into the future. Preparation is always the best strategy to prevent bad things from happening, and it’s a good strategy also for your health. You can prevent yourself from ending up in that group of people whose personal injury never healed by getting chiropractic care now along with medical care.

In some cases though, people have to prepare for exorbitantly high medical costs. Perhaps a surgery is needed down the road of life for a personal injury that occurred right now. Without a crystal ball, you have to prepare, and a personal injury suit can make funds available so that additional unknown treatments may become a reality.

Without these funds, a personal injury can drain every bit of your finances; all the money you’ve worked so hard for all these years of your working life. A personal injury suit is a way to protect your current assets.

As you can see, a personal injury suit is far from an attack on another person. Instead, it’s a way you can insure your physical health for the future. Dr. Sweeney is an expert in treating auto injuries. Not only will he help to ease the pain,  he can provide with you with medical evaluations and documentation necessary for making a successful claim. So if you've been hurt in a car accident, call our office in Nashville, TN today!

July 29, 2014

Dr. Sweeney

Dr. Jim Sweeney & Dr. Jon Sweeney, your Nashville Chiropractors and Palmer College of Chiropractic West graduates, provide quality chiropractic care to patients in Nashville, TN. If you suffer from back pain, neck pain, headache, sciatica or have been in an auto collision, Sweeney Chiropractic can get you back on the road to health.