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Facts about Drugs

  • Over 225,000 people die annually due to medical mistakes.
  • Statistics prove prescription drugs are 16,400% more deadly than terrorists
  • 46%  of Americans take at least one prescription pill daily
  • In 2005, the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) reported that pharmaceutical drug overdoses killed 33,000 people that year
  • 106,000 deaths/year from non-error, adverse effects of medications
  • The United States has the greatest annual sickness-care expenditure of any nation; $912 billion in 1993 alone.  If money and medical treatment equals health then one would expect the United States to be the healthiest of nations
  • 10,000+ die each year due to over use of Aspirin
  • Each day in the United States, roughly 100,000 pharmaceutical company sales reps (earning, on average, $81,700 per year) visit the nation’s 311,000 office-based physicians. Their numbers have more than doubled in the last decade.
  • In 2004, 86% of drug companies’ promotional spending was on physician samples - those “free” packets your doctor gives you to try a medication before you fill a prescription.
  • The drug companies spent 11 billion on drug research and 44 billion on marketing to us.

November 12, 2012

Dr. Sweeney

Dr. Jim Sweeney & Dr. Jon Sweeney, your Nashville Chiropractors and Palmer College of Chiropractic West graduates, provide quality chiropractic care to patients in Nashville, TN. If you suffer from back pain, neck pain, headache, sciatica or have been in an auto collision, Sweeney Chiropractic can get you back on the road to health.