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Is Your Child at Risk of Developing a Personal Injury?

How often does a personal injury occur during sports in children? According to a study that appeared in the Journal of Athletic Training in August 2014, 8.6 million children were treated for a personal injury in the year 2010. These injuries were great enough to be treated in the emergency departments of hospitals.

Which children are at risk to develop a personal injury during sports? And why are children at risk in the first place? Part of the reason why is because the child is developing physically and intellectually, and perception, motor control and cognition may be factors that influence the development of a personal injury.

The researchers found that every hour in the United States, 37 children are treated in an emergency room for a personal injury during sports. If a child is involved in a sport where there are teams, the most likely time to suffer a personal injury is during the middle teen years.

The most likely time for a child to have a personal injury that occurs on a playground is during the early elementary school ages and the risk starts decreasing slowly throughout the next years.

The most likely time for a child to suffer a personal injury from riding a bicycle is in the preteen years, although many children will still fall off their bike at one time or another during childhood and adolescence.

The age to most likely have a personal injury due to bowling is the young age of 4. A personal injury that occurs during camping or boating or recreational sports on the water is likely to be most common at the age of 18 years.

The most common sports associated with a personal injury were in order: basketball, football, bicycling, playground and soccer.

What’s the good news in all this? It’s that Dr. Sweeney has all the knowledge and methods needed to treat a personal injury from sports right there in his office. If your child is experiencing a personal injury from sports, call the office today.


Schwebel, D.C and Brezausek, C.M. Child development and pediatric sport and recreational injuries by age. J Athl Train 2014 Aug 27. (Epub ahead of print)

September 02, 2014

Dr. Sweeney

Dr. Jim Sweeney & Dr. Jon Sweeney, your Nashville Chiropractors and Palmer College of Chiropractic West graduates, provide quality chiropractic care to patients in Nashville, TN. If you suffer from back pain, neck pain, headache, sciatica or have been in an auto collision, Sweeney Chiropractic can get you back on the road to health.